Smart Growth is "smart" because it saves money , while giving Pennsylvanians more and better choices in places to live and work . It gives all of us the chance to improve our home communities and neighborhoods. Whether by improving the safety, convenience, and choices afforded by our transportation network, revitalizing our Core Communities, preserving the rural character of small town Pennsylvania, or protecting the scenic beauty of our natural resources and the outdoor recreation cherished by so many Pennsylvanians, the work of 10,000 Friends helps all of us to protect our way of life and the special qualities of the communities we call home.
10,000 Friends of Pennsylvania has been at the forefront of important issues for a decade now and we have a Proven Track Record of Success. Please click here to support our 2014 work and contribute today! Main Street
We Get Results
- The state's new transportation funding bill, Act 89, will provide over $700 million in the next five years through a first-ever Multi-Modal Fund and over $2.2 billion over five years for much-needed transit projects - amounts that grew because of our advocacy.
- PennDOT has linked transportation investments to community reinvestment and land use, building around transportation assets already in place. The PCTI program created by our advocacy and leadership allocated $85 million for critical local projects that have directly helped our communities.
We Encourage Award-Winning Development
- By honoring innovative model projects at our annual Commonwealth Awards, we showcase the best of Pennsylvania's builders, developers, and design professionals by rewarding their smart growth plans and projects and connecting them with each other to reinforce their efforts.
We Engage Regionally and Locally
- We are a statewide leader in promoting Regionalism, effective Comprehensive Planning, and new flexible tools to support effective local and county governance. We have worked with Metropolitan Planning Organizations from Lancaster to southwest Pennsylvania to use their existing resources smarter and more efficiently, and provided technical assistance to communities contemplating development projects.
We Form Partnerships to be More Effective
- We are building alliances through conversations across the state with other statewide partners, community leaders, and regional groups to give voice to the policies needed to achieve a better economic future for all.
But to advance our important common work we need your help. We need the resources and capacity to sponsor and host educational and informational events and provide technical assistance; to communicate our message and vision to our fellow Pennsylvanians; to operate effective educational and advocacy campaigns; to expand our network of partners and allies to increase our influence; to conduct important research and compile and disseminate our findings; to doggedly engage our legislators and elected officials on policies and legislation, demonstrating that working smarter can enhance our neighborhoods, protect our way of life, and save money.
We need your support and your voice to provide factual research, objective data, thoughtful alternatives, interesting ideas, and ask the tough questions.
Your contribution to 10,000 Friends of Pennsylvania leads to a better life for you, your loved ones, and for all Pennsylvanians. When your downtown comes to life; when you can walk, pedal, drive, or take quality transit to school, to work, or to the store; when your region's farms prosper; and when precious natural resources are preserved and protected - you will know that your contribution was critical to success.
Pennsylvania needs Friends now more than ever... Please make a tax-deductible contribution today and support our shared vision of a Pennsylvania where every person has the opportunity to live in a vibrant community with better access to employment, educational institutions, and green space. Or you can mail your check payable to "10,000 Friends of Pennsylvania" to 240 North Third Street, Suite 407, Harrisburg, PA 17101 .
We Thank You for your past support and extend ourbest wishes for a happy, healthy, and prosperous year ahead.
Warmest Regards,

Jack Machek
President & CEO