The mission of the Pennsylvania Works! campaign is to advocate for specific legislative and administrative initiatives that generate economic opportunities and job creation, promote government efficiency, and create vibrant, prosperous, and livable communities throughout Pennsylvania.
The campaign goals are:
- Fix it first
- Restore trust in government investments.
- Restore the dream of an affordable home in a prosperous community.
- Creating the government we deserve.
Founding Partners of Pennsylvania Works! include:
- Citizens for Pennsylvania's Future (PennFuture)
- 10,000 Friends of Pennsylvania
- Pennsylvania Chapter of the American Planning Association
- Housing Alliance of Pennsylvania
- Keystone Research Center
- Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC)
- PennEnvironment
- Pennsylvania Environmental Council
- Preservation Pennsylvania
- Regional Housing Legal Services
10,000 Friends' involvement with the PA Works! campaign has the following goals:
Fix it first - Transportation: Guarantee that four out of every five highway dollars are used to repair, maintain and improve existing roads and bridges. Any new roads and bridges that are built should help make existing communities more accessible and prosperous.
Fix it first - Water and Sewer: Funding for sewer and water infrastructure must be used to repair and upgrade sewer and water systems serving existing communities, consistent with county and municipal land use plans. It must not be used to support wasteful sewer and water line extensions and unplanned development.
Municipal Shared Services: Enable and encourage county and local governments to pool resources and provide municipal services as efficiently and effectively as possible. Create flexible approaches for joint taxes and fees, and provide state funding to support sharing of services like police and fire protection.
Make Comprehensive Planning More Meaningful: Empower citizens and their vision of the future by requiring municipalities that adopt comprehensive plans and land-use ordinances to ensure that the plans and ordinances are consistent with the community vision.