Deadline: November 1, 2012.
ArtPlace is inviting Letters of Inquiry for its third round of funding. ArtPlace is a collaboration of eleven major national and regional foundations, six of the nation's largest banks, and eight federal agencies that works to accelerate creative placemaking. To that end, it defines creative placemaking as "a means of investing in art and culture at the heart of a portfolio of integrated strategies that can drive vibrancy and diversity so powerful that it transforms communities."
Grants will be awarded to projects that involve arts organizations, artists, and designers working in partnership with local and national partners to make transformative impact on community vibrancy. Applications are encouraged from all fifty states and any U.S. territory.
Certain ArtPlace funders also are committed to working in specific states or communities. Currently, these include Akron, Charlotte, Detroit, Macon, Miami, New York City, Philadelphia, San Jose, and St. Paul, as well as communities in Alaska, Arizona, California, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Washington, and Wisconsin.
Projects in these areas are particularly encouraged, although applications are welcome and grants may be awarded to projects from anywhere in the U.S. Award amounts are decided on a case-by-case basis. To date, ArtPlace has awarded $26.9 million in grants -- in amounts up to $1 million -- to seventy-six organizations in forty-six communities.
More information can be found at