Keystone Coalition Endorses Transportation Funding Plan

August 1, 2011

HARRISBURG, Pa., Aug. 1, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- The Keystone Transportation Funding Coalition, representing a diverse group of organizations and individuals with an interest in a sound transportation system, today urged Gov. Tom Corbett to adopt and endorse the recommendations of his Transportation Funding Advisory Commission. The commission delivered its report to the governor today.

"The commission's recommendations represent the closest we've come to a comprehensive transportation funding solution in decades," said George Wolff, Harrisburg lobbyist and coalition founder. "We hope the governor and Pennsylvania legislators will see, through our coalition, that there is strong, widespread and diverse support for this plan." For the complete press release, please click here.

10,000 Friends of Pennsylvania, a coalition member, was quoted:

"10,000 Friends pursues state policies to keep our existing communities vibrant and economically healthy, and transportation infrastructure is the lifeblood of our communities and an essential means of facilitating commerce," said Jack Machek, president and CEO of 10,000 Friends of Pennsylvania. He noted that the organization supports the idea of fixing existing infrastructure first, and has created a program called the Pennsylvania Community Transportation Initiative, aimed at encouraging investment in high value, community-driven projects linked to efficient land use.

For a copy of this press release, please click on the document below.

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