Risky road trips - Editorial, Philadelphia Inquirer

April 1, 2011

"A new report that finds Pennsylvania once again leading the nation in unsafe bridges should be the catalyst for Gov. Corbett and state lawmakers to get back to work on a transportation funding plan - before a bridge collapses.

With more than 5,900 bridges deemed deficient by the group Transportation for America, millions of motorists are at risk when crossing spans that could become dangerous unless they are repaired in the near term.

Neighboring states' bridges are in far better shape.

Yet, there was Corbett - on the eve of these troubling findings' being released - seeking a convenient scapegoat for the deplorable condition of this critical highway infrastructure.

On Wednesday, the governor suggested that his predecessor, Edward G. Rendell, should have spent more federal stimulus dollars on highways, rather than on improving public schools and balancing the state budget."  For the entire editorial, please click here.