Temple Station Area Redevelopment Plan (2004 Bronze Award Winner)

Temple Station Area Redevelopment Plan (2004 Bronze Award Winner)
Wallace Roberts & Todd LLC for their work and the work of the project team, including the Asociacion de Puertorriquenos En Marcha (APM), Pennrose Properties, and Temple University Faculty.
Mixed Use Development - Large Size Projects
Transit-Oriented Development and Community Revitalization
The Temple Station Area Plan is a comprehensive revitalization program for a critical location in North Philadelphia where a busy rail station, major university, and distressed community intersect. It is an innovative approach to address the divisive presence of the rail corridor and provide a framework for building a more integrated, mixed-income, mixed-use community. The plan strengthens the local market with strategic investments in new housing, civic uses, open space, and retail, including a technology center dedicated to educating and empowering local residents. It builds on the City's Neighborhood Transformation Initiative and is an extension of the local revitalization plan for the APM neighborhood.
Silver Award