Wallace Roberts & Todd LLC for their work and the work of the project team, including the Asociacion de Puertorriquenos En Marcha (APM), Pennrose Properties, and Temple University Faculty.
Mixed Use Development - Large Size Projects
Transit-Oriented Development and Community Revitalization
The Temple Station Area Plan is a comprehensive revitalization program for a critical location in North Philadelphia where a busy rail station, major university, and distressed community intersect. It is an innovative approach to address the divisive presence of the rail corridor and provide a framework for building a more integrated, mixed-income, mixed-use community. The plan strengthens the local market with strategic investments in new housing, civic uses, open space, and retail, including a technology center dedicated to educating and empowering local residents. It builds on the City's Neighborhood Transformation Initiative and is an extension of the local revitalization plan for the APM neighborhood.